Group Representatives (GR) can download a Group Records Change (GR-1) form from Area 10 by clicking here. Once it is filled out, send the form to your District Representatives (DR), not to Area 10. The District Records person will do that because we need to have those forms on file and also, they get passed on to AIS so that the website can be kept up to date.

GR-1 forms and all other information, such as flyers for upcoming events (birthday celebrations, literature sales, etc.) or information about events of general interest to members, must be sent to the DR for District 190 or 200, depending on where the event is being held. Once the DRs have given their approval, they will forward the information to AIS. The AIS Liason, Nubia, will re-check the flyers for conformance to privacy guidelines and appropriateness and will then send them to the webmaster, who will post the information on the website. Following these guidelines will result in less confusion and better communication for everyone.

Send requests for new listings or changes to existing information about your group on the website to the Group Records person for your district – see below.

Service Opportunities, Contacts and Mailing Addresses:

Al-Anon Information Service (serves both Districts 190 and 200) AIS Liaison (
Al-Anon Information Service Liaison, (Districts 190 and 200): Nubia T. AIS Liaison (
Mailing address:  P.O. Box 557264, Miami, FL  33255-7264

District 200 (Flagler Street South to the Monroe County Line)
Mailing address:  P.O. Box 557264, Miami, FL  33255-7264
District Representative, District 200: Martin B.  District 200 (
Alternate District Representative, District 200: Dev  District 200 (
District 200 Group Records:  Group Records 200 (

District 190 (Flagler Street North to the Broward County Line)
Mailing address: P.O. Box 398664, Miami Beach, FL 33241
District Representative, District 190: Amelia  District 190 (
Alternate District Representative, District 190: Maria Elena  District 190 (
District 190 Group Records, Ana H:  Group Records 190 (

Intergrupo Al-Anon
Mailing address: P.O. Box 557838, Miami, Fl. 33255
Email address: Intergrupo (

South Florida Area 10 Treasurer

To contribute via Zelle: use email address: for AFG FL S Area 10 Inc
Please include District Number, Group Number, and Group Name in the notes section.
To contribute via Mail:
AFG FL South, Area 10, Inc.
P.O. Box 955
Port Salerno, FL 34992