
AIS Liaison (ais@alanonsofla.org).  Al-Anon Information Service for Districts 190 and 200

Al-Anon Phone Service – A phone line with answering machines, in both English and Spanish. The caller can leave a message at 305-663-1432 requesting a return phone call. (phone@alanonsofla.org)

Alateen -We coordinate Alateen activities and provide training and guidance to Alateen sponsors.(alateen@alanonsofla.org)

Speakers – We maintain a list of members willing to share their experience, strength, and hope at Al-anon meetings, institutions and public information events. (speaker@alanonsofla.org)

Cooperating with the Professional Community:
Public Information (public@alanonsofla.org).

District 200 (from Flagler Street to the Monroe County line)
District Representative, District 200 (dr200@alanonsofla.org).

District 200 Group Records, Group Records (records@alanonsofla.org).

District 190 (From Flagler Street to the Broward County Line):
District Representative, District 190 (dr190@alanonsofla.org).

Literature Depot: Literature Depot (literature@alanonsofla.org).